Optimize Yourself This Year with 10 Steps to Self Improvement

10 Steps for Self Improvement to Optimize Yourself This Year

I want this year to be an extraordinary year for you.

But it’s not just going to happen magically. You need intentionality. So I started jotting down some pointers to make it happen and landed on 10 perfect steps to “optimize” YOU in the coming year.

Ready? Let’s start…


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Step 1: Prioritize the Personal

If you sell more homes this year than you’ve ever sold before but never take a break to enjoy the fruits of your labor, what’s the point?

That’s why the first thing I’d urge you to do is schedule out all of your personal time throughout the year. Family time, vacations, date nights with your significant other, friend trips, time for your hobbies, workouts… get it all in your schedule NOW!

There are two reasons this is important: One, it carves out the time to make sure you actually do these things instead of only fitting them in if you have spare time… which you know you never will. The second reason is that once you block out all this time on your calendar, there’s suddenly more urgency to your “work time.” You’ll realize you don’t have a full 365 days to achieve your goals, so it will light a fire under you to be more productive when you are working.


Step 2: Simplify Your Focus

I know people who come up with a long list of goals every new year…

…and they achieve very few of them, if any.

Why? Because too many goals means too little focus on any one of them.

I’m a proponent of having fewer goals, each with greater meaning and significance. Narrow your list down to no more than your top three professional goals and your top three personal goals for this year.

Then, get them up and visual. Track and measure your progress. And celebrate as you achieve them! (And at that point, yes, you can introduce a new goal.)


Step 3: Fewer Waking Hours

This one’s pretty straightforward: Get more sleep. I’m not kidding. Sleep is when your body recovers and gives you the energy you’ll need to crush it this year. Don’t take it for granted.


Step 4: Get Proper Nutrition

Do you eat without thought? Or do you do it to nourish yourself? I eat and take supplements primarily for vitality and energy.

If you’re lacking in your diet, it might be time to get some blood work done to identify deficiencies and possible food allergies. Then once you have the results, get yourself on a plan to wellness to optimize you!


Step 5: Move Your Body

I’m a big believer that you can’t work out enough. Whether it’s weight training for fat loss, yoga for flexibility, walking or running in nature for cardio… do it all!

Remember: How you feel on the inside radiates to those on the outside. So make yourself feel healthy and full of energy this year and then watch the impact it makes on your business.


Step 6: Find Strengthen Your Tribe

It’s pretty easy to recognize like-minded agents – go-getters like yourself who are always striving for more and looking for ways to improve. We often refer to it as the pursuit to “find your tribe.”

Because you’ve probably already identified this group, this year, I want to see you forge stronger relationships with these people. Get closer. Contribute more. Encourage more participation.

The more time you spend with each other, the more you’ll learn, and the more you’ll be able to support each other throughout the ups and downs of 12 long months.


Step 7: Ditch the Anchors

Now think about the flip side of the group above. I’m talking about the people who are seemingly always pulling you down.

The naysayers. The downers. The energy-sucking vampires.

It’s time to graciously eliminate these people from your life.

Cut the cord. Move on. Move up.


Step 8: Gain New Perspectives with Books for Self Improvement

I’m challenging you to read at least one book per month this year. So create a list now of 12-24 books you’re committed to reading (or listening to the audiobook).

Here’s how to make it more meaningful… create a doc and summarize your key takeaways and the actions you’ll take at the end of each book. That way, you’re building a resource throughout the course of the year. You can even share your thoughts on social as you finish each book!

Need some inspo? I got you. 

Books for Self Improvement

Principles by Ray Dalio


Execution by Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan


A Quantum Life by Hakeem Oluseyi


The Fourth Turning by William Strauss & Neil Howe


Amp It Up by Frank Slootman


The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday


Die With Zero by Bill Perkins


Self Improvement Audiobooks

The Power of Giving Away Power (audiobook) by Matthew Barzun

Vivid Vision (aduibook) by Cameron Herold

Drop Acid (audiobook) by David Perlmutter, MD

The End of the World is Just the Beginning (audiobook) by Peter Zeihan

I Will Teach You to Be Rich (audiobook) by Ramit Sethi

An Unquiet Mind (audiobook) by Kay Hedfield Jamison

How Not to Die (audiobook) by Michael Greger, MD

Traction (audiobook) by Gino Wickman

Inspired (audiobook) by Marty Cagan

Atomic Habits (audiobook) by James Clear

Think Again (audiobook) by Adam Grant

Exactly What to Say (audiobook) by Phil M. Jones

Management Mess to Leadership Success (audiobook) by Scott Jeffrey Miller

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry (audiobook) by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Thriving on Chaos (audiobook) by Tom Peters

The Silva Mind Control Method (audiobook) by José Silva

Sustain Your Game (audiobook) by Alan Stein Jr.

Building a Story Brand (audiobook) by Donald Miller

The Infinite Game (audiobook) by Simon Sinek

The Hard Thing About Hard Things (audiobook) by Ben Horowitz


Step 9: Seek New Mentors

There’s an unlimited amount of knowledge available in the universe. I’m not asking you to learn it all. But I am encouraging you to add a mentor or two this year.

They can be dead or alive… they just need to be “study”-able.

Ideally, find someone living who you can get closer to and spend real time with – someone who you can learn from and bounce ideas off to provide inspiration throughout the year.


Step 10: Ask for More Accountability

You won’t succeed this year by resting on your laurels.

This year is likely to challenge you in many ways, so I’m calling on you to rise to that challenge.

I encourage you to up your accountability level with your coach. The more you’re held accountable to your goals and actions, the more success you’re going to find over the next 12 months. And come Dec. 31, the more fulfilling your journey will have been.

If you don’t have a coach, either get one or find an accountability partner. Because you’ll be put to the test throughout the coming year, and having that support system can make all the difference.


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About the author

Tom Ferry

As founder and CEO of Ferry International, the real estate industry’s leading coaching and training company, Tom’s ever-growing influence impacts professionals in a wide variety of ways – including rigorous accountability coaching, his popular YouTube channel delivering free, fresh and relevant real estate tips weekly, highly engaging training events, two best-selling books, and his legendary keynote speeches. Tom has more than 35,000 hours of coaching experience and works daily to help agents and brokers grow a prosperous business while simultaneously balancing — and loving — their personal lives.