Real Estate Coaching and Success Blog

Healthy Tips to Eliminate Stress & Maximize Productivity - Tom Ferry

Written by Tom Ferry | Sep 2, 2021 12:15:28 AM

How to Maximize Productivity and Eliminate Stress

Start. Stop. Start again. Go. Go. Go! Never slow down!

And I just want to check in and make sure you’re doing okay.

I’m not a medical professional. But I genuinely care about your well-being, as do all of our coaches.

In fact, they actually inspired this blog with an ongoing discussion in their mastermind group.

So let’s jump into four ways to maximize your productivity while maintaining sanity, practicing time management, eliminating stress, and avoiding burnout


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Tips to Maximize Productivity and Reduce Stress

How Are Your Routines?

If you let it, this business will pull you in a million different directions all at once.

So what’s the solution?


Even if challenges are popping up left and right, routines keep you on track by telling you what to do and when to do it. With the discipline to stick to your routines, the most important aspects of your business never get ignored. (If you need help with work life balance or increasing self-discipline, we can help.)

Ultimately, routines put you in control.

If you’re feeling frazzled and lacking structure, check your routines.

And if you haven’t established any routines, it’s time to take a step back and do so. 


Self-Care: Take Your M.E.D.S. Daily

The acronym “M.E.D.S.” is an easy way to remember four essential components of daily life: Meditation, exercise, diet, and sleep. If you’re not doing these things consistently and healthfully, it’s time to start.


Everybody needs some “me time” to decompress, look inward, breathe deeply, and recharge their batteries. Whether or not you engage in traditional meditation is up to you, but I’d suggest you set aside time to clear your mind on a daily basis.


Our coach Joe Mendoza likes to ask questions like “What did you do this week to get your heartbeat up?” or “How many times did you walk your dog since we last talked?” to the people he coaches. It’s a great reminder that you can’t simply work 24/7 and expect to achieve a healthy lifestyle. If you’re a morning person, I strongly suggest you add a workout to your morning routine. If you’re a night person, make a habit of going straight to the gym after work. If you’re not a “gym person” at all, find something that gets your body moving on a regular basis.


When your schedule gets busy and time gets scarce, it’s easy to neglect eating the right things. Don’t let yourself lean on that flimsy excuse. Put in a little more effort and make eating right a priority.


Working long hours and late nights leads directly to not getting enough sleep. Make sure your body is getting the rest it requires to keep you at your best.


When’s Your Day Off?

If I asked to look at your calendar, would I see at least one full day off every week?

If you’re working 24/7 and never giving yourself time off, you’re headed to a dark place.

To maintain your energy and maximize your productivity, make sure you’re taking at least one day off every week. You also need to schedule a vacation or two.

Get away from the business and go do something you love. You’ll definitely be better for it in the long run. (And if you have time blocking systems in place, you should be able to do this without sacrificing productivity anyway.)


Get Help When You Need It

After taking some time off to recharge your batteries, you should feel rejuvenated and excited about the business again.

If you’re doing the things I’ve talked about above…

  • Relying on your routines
  • Getting exercise, eating right, and sleeping well
  • Taking time off and getting away from the business

…and you’re still not clicking into high gear, your issue may go beyond burnout into depression.

If that sounds like a possibility, don’t keep it bottled up inside you!

You’ve been through a lot. Don’t carry that stress further than you need to.

Talk to someone.

Seek out therapy and/or appropriate mental health assistance. You can always text me at 949-216-5466.


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