Real Estate Door Knocking Scripts to Turn Open Houses into Listings

Real Estate Door Knocking Scripts to Invite People to Your Mega Open House

When it comes to real estate scripts, they are very powerful tools to use. Before we get to the real estate door knocking script, let me take a second to remind you of why you’re doing a Mega Open House.


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What is a Mega Open House?

A mega open house in real estate is a large-scale event where multiple properties are showcased simultaneously, often organized by a real estate agent or agency. These events typically involve showcasing several properties in a specific area or neighborhood on the same day or weekend, allowing potential buyers to visit multiple listings in a single outing. Mega open houses are often promoted extensively through marketing efforts to attract a large number of attendees, creating a buzz and increasing visibility for the properties involved. They can be an effective strategy to generate interest, accelerate sales, and create a sense of urgency among buyers.


Why should you do a Mega Open House?

It’s really about the psychology of the situation. The whole point is to get homeowners surrounding your listing to see you as someone who does things completely different than the typical agent.

The thought you want to plant in people’s heads is “We need something like this when we decide to sell our house.” And naturally, you’ll be top of mind because you’re the one who did it for their neighbor.

On top of that, you’ll also be building rapport with people long before they need your services, a crucial step to getting them to think of you as “their Realtor” even before they’re ready to put their house on the market.


4 Simple Steps to Make Your Open Houses More Effective

Now let’s dig into this doorknocking script. Just like an appointment setting script or expired listing scripts, the idea is to learn and practice this script so well that you’ve internalized it… so it sounds completely natural when you deliver it.

But don’t stray too far from this specific wording, because as I’ll point out, the language is designed to imply certain, important points to your prospective clients.


Your Door Knocking Script

There are only four elements to this door-knocking script:

  • An introduction and
  • Three questions/follow-up points.

Let’s examine them one by one…



Door knocking in real estate can turn houses into listing opportunities.

This part is fairly straightforward, introducing yourself, informing people of the home for sale and your big event, and handing them a Mega Open House invite.



Use this powerful door-knocking script to generate interest with everyone you talk to!

Now this first question is crucial. Notice how it starts with “I promised the seller…” This language instantly makes a strong impression by establishing your commitment to working on your seller’s behalf.

The question itself also provides these homeowners with the unique opportunity to help choose their future neighbors. Maybe they have some good friends who have wanted to move to their neighborhood, and suddenly you’ve unearthed a hot buyer lead for your listing.



Use a door knocking script to hand out a Mega Open House invite.

Remind the homeowner about the Open House and invite them once again, informing them of how your goal is to make it a fun event for the community while maximizing exposure for the property.



Door knocking scripts in real estate can turn houses into listing opportunities.

To open the door to future opportunities, it’s crucial that you ask one last question: Have you had any thoughts of selling your home? Then shut up and wait for an answer. If they hesitate or open up to you about their plans, then you know where to take the conversation to coordinate the next steps, including – if they seem ready – booking a listing appointment. If they quickly answer no, tell them that’s fine and wrap up the conversation.

When you’re done, move on to the next house and start the process all over again.

Simple, right?

Ideally, you’d do this for three or four blocks around your listing. At minimum, make sure to hit all the surrounding homes on the same street.


Now It’s Up to You

Between Tuesday’s show and this blog, I sincerely hope you’re starting to recognize what a huge opportunity Mega Open Houses can be for your business. Yes, they require more open house invites, planning, legwork, and a bigger budget than a typical Open House.

But the question then becomes… Are you content being “one of the pack” who does everything the typical way, or are you willing to go that extra mile to demonstrate how you’re different than all the other agents in your market?

As I mentioned earlier, the door-knocking script above is taken directly from the Sales Edge workbook, which also includes 11 “must-ask” questions for potential buyers who visit your Mega Open House and a post-event follow-up plan. (Not to mention scripts for virtually every conceivable situation you’ll face as a real estate professional.) Don’t miss this powerful event to take your sales skills to the next level!

I want to know who’s committed to start using this doorknocking script as an Open House invite for neighbors. Let me know in the comments below. Also, be sure to share any questions or thoughts you have! Your feedback is very important to me!


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About the author

Tom Ferry

As founder and CEO of Ferry International, the real estate industry’s leading coaching and training company, Tom’s ever-growing influence impacts professionals in a wide variety of ways – including rigorous accountability coaching, his popular YouTube channel delivering free, fresh and relevant real estate tips weekly, highly engaging training events, two best-selling books, and his legendary keynote speeches. Tom has more than 35,000 hours of coaching experience and works daily to help agents and brokers grow a prosperous business while simultaneously balancing — and loving — their personal lives.