Real Estate Coaching and Success Blog

Are You Falling into Perfectionism... Too Much? - Tom Ferry

Written by Tom Ferry | Sep 16, 2021 12:15:32 AM

Done is Better than Perfect

I couldn’t help but smile.

I was reading a post in one of our private mastermind groups for coaching members where one guy posted a concern about a marketing piece he had hired someone to create.

The details don’t really matter. The short version is he wasn’t sure this marketing piece represented him exactly.

It’s a valid concern, and he wondered what others would do. Should he trash them? Send them? Have them re-done?

Fellow coaching members chimed in with some really innovative solutions.

Then like a bolt of lightning came the response that brought a big smile to my face…

“Done is better than perfect,” it said.

Boom! I love it!


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An Important Adage to Remember

Now, I’m not writing this blog to call this guy out.

I’m writing it because when you’re trying to figure out how to achieve goals, invested in what you’re doing, and you have high standards for yourself and your business – sound familiar? – it can be all too easy to forget this important adage. So we all need to be reminded sometimes.

To his credit, he playfully replied: “I have a thick skull, thanks for the reminder!”

As a real estate professional, you have tons on your plate. If you agonize over every little detail, your time management will be a mess, you’ll never get anything done, and you’ll never build momentum in this business.


Don’t Overthink It!

So that’s it… The whole point of today’s blog is that perfectionism is not your friend. Top producers don’t let tiny details derail them from executing their plans. They get stuff done and keep moving forward.

Whether you prefer “Done is better than perfect,” “Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good,” or simply “Don’t overthink it,” you should hang a reminder up in your office to keep you moving forward consistently.

Let me know if this reminder was helpful in our revamped comments section below!


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