Real Estate Coaching and Success Blog

Meet Your Goals with this Free SMART Goals Template - Tom Ferry

Written by Tom Ferry | Apr 23, 2024 4:19:24 PM

A SMART goals template to refine your success

It’s time to check in and take stock of your progress. Are you on track to achieve your goals? Regardless of your answer, this is the time to refine and adjust. And that’s why you need a SMART goal-setting template.

In today’s blog, we’re providing you with one of the best hacks to meet goals: the help of a SMART goals template. I’m throwing a bunch of important questions at you that you NEED to answer.


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What are SMART goals?

The SMART goals acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that provide a clear framework for setting and achieving targets. Specific goals are well-defined and focused, measurable goals have quantifiable criteria for success, achievable goals are realistic and attainable, relevant goals align with broader objectives and priorities, and time-bound goals have a defined timeframe for completion. This approach to goal setting helps individuals and organizations create actionable plans, track progress effectively, and increase the likelihood of success by ensuring clarity, feasibility, and accountability.

Taking a moment to review your goals and apply the SMART technique important for adjusting your future goals, but it also provides a great opportunity to celebrate your progress and recognize the milestones you’ve achieved so far. No matter how small, acknowledging your hard work along the way will motivate you to keep working towards your goals.

Let’s dive in with this SMART goals template so you can identify the adjustments you need to make now! 


Get to Goal Setting with this SMART Goals Template

S - Specific  

Instead of setting broad, general goals, break them down into smaller, actionable steps to create a clear path to success. By narrowing the scope, you can direct your efforts more effectively and make progress incrementally. Most importantly, you need specificity. 

Ask yourself these questions:

Exactly how much do I want to make? Be specific. 


What resources am I willing to put forth to achieve this goal? 


How can achieving this goal help me contribute more meaningfully to my:

  • Family
  • Health
  • Finances
  • Career


How would this goal increase my ability to experience joy each day? 


In what ways will striving for this goal help me to grow in knowledge and ability? 


M - Measurable 

Measurable goals allow you to track your progress over time. This involves establishing a method to measure and record your progress toward the goal. 


Ask yourself these questions:

What is the schedule or deadline I have created in order to achieve this goal?


Do I have the necessary tools to track and measure my progress?


How will I know when I’ve achieved my goal? What does it look like? 


Are there quantifiable benchmarks in place for me to celebrate my small wins along the way? 


A - Achievable 

Goals should create challenges to push you, but they should also be based on a realistic assessment of your abilities, resources, and constraints. 


Ask yourself these questions:

What obstacles or roadblocks might I encounter along the way?


Do I have the knowledge and skills to pursue this goal? If not, what resources do I need to seek out to develop those skills? 


What specific steps can I take each day to move towards achieving this goal?


What daily routines or habits can I form to positively impact my success with this goal? 


R - Relevant 

A relevant goal is in sync with your broader objectives and aspirations. It should be connected to your long-term vision and overall progress. 


Ask yourself these questions:

Does this goal support my personal growth, professional development, or overall well-being?


How will this goal positively impact my life or the lives of others?


Does this goal challenge me and push me outside of my comfort zone in a constructive way?


If I achieve this goal, will it provide clarity on the next steps toward my long-term vision and future goals? 


T - Time Bound 

Setting a deadline creates a sense of accountability and prompts you to take action on your goal. It’s important to set a realistic timeframe; setting an overly ambitious or unachievable deadline can lead to frustration or burnout. 


Ask yourself these questions:

What is the specific deadline by which I want to achieve this goal?


Is the timeframe I outlined for myself realistic and achievable?


Does my projected timeline take into account external factors that may impact my deadline?


How will I hold myself accountable and stay motivated along the way? Did I schedule time periodically to reflect on my progress and assess my priorities going forward?  


Turn Your SMART Goal Answers into Action 

I gave you a lot to think about here. But I did so because it’s important to answer these questions now so you’re ready to dominate your ambitions! Fill out the SMART goals template and use your answers to build momentum. Boost your motivation and spur yourself into massive action to become your best self.

And if you need an extra boost of energy and new strategies, there’s no better place to get yourself into action than at Tom Ferry's Success Summit. Check out the dates! Will I see you there? 



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